Yorkshire Payments is a merchant service provider based in Brighouse, Yorkshire.
We provide merchant services in all areas of chip and pin, virtual solutions, e-commerce shopping carts and EPOS (electronic Point of Sale).
Our team of technology experts go above and beyond to help and support merchants with their payment solutions. Competitive rates for customers new to the chip and pin services and our merchant services. A review of your current rates will be provided along with a competitive quote if you already have a system in place.
Yorkshire Payments helps to boost our region’s economy by providing small to medium-sized businesses with the means to benefit from the rise in popularity of card and contactless payments, using hand held and contactless card terminals and implementing EPOS systems to increase efficiency and accuracy. An impressive 3,500 businesses across Yorkshire use Yorkshire Payments’ as their payment solution provider. This amounts to a staggering £470million processed through its systems. Hugely passionate about customer care, all Yorkshire Payments’ customer service calls are handled right here in Yorkshire, by a team of 24 experts.